The international community is now alarmed by the events facing the global energy. Researches show that fossil fuel reserves are starting to run out and possibly unable to supply the necessary energy that we need if the population growth continues to increase at a fast rate. Environmental advocates shows evidences that combustion of several fossil fuels such as coal and oil produces harmful emissions that causes adverse atmospheric and climatic effects.
In addition, both economic and political rifts in the energy market are affecting the volatile prices of finished oil products in the market. If the rift continues, it can result in much higher electricity and basic commodities cost which the end-users will be mostly affected. That is why the international community through its respective energy representatives and specialists are tasked to outline the plan for the enhancement and use of renewable energy resources.
Renewable energy resources are seen by many as one of the long-term solutions to the energy problems we are facing today. Composed mainly of the resources which are abundantly available in the environment such as the sunlight, wind, water, geothermal, and others, these energy resources can be tapped as a perfect alternative to the increasing electricity costs. Presently, different countries are now starting to use renewable resources for their energy needs.
In order to spread out the word to all parts of the world, different international conferences that concentrate on global energy issues are conducted by the international community. Said conferences are attended by the host country’s Department or Ministry of Energy, different governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Matters such as energy-related issues and policies with regards to renewable energy sources are discussed.
One particular conference that centers on renewable energy is the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific on Renewable Energy which is held on Bangkok. It is hosted by Thailand’s Ministry of Energy with support from the government of Germany, different NGOs, and energy investors around the Asia-Pacific as well as American and European-based.
There are certain recommendations and issues raised during the said conference with regards to renewable energy usage. These are briefly stated in the preceding items.
1. Conference participants raised the issue of incorporating renewable energy in sensitive issues like poverty alleviation, public health, and environmental protection. These must be seen as a significant act of achieving sustainable development and therefore must be taken seriously.
2. The endorsement of renewable energy resources must be integrated with other developmental issues like water resources management, pollution control, and agricultural development. Participations of concerned sectors are very important.
3. Different governments must address different problems and inefficiencies of existing energy policy. It is also encourage that the legislature take part on the enhancement of renewable energy by passing different bills with clear policies and regulations.
4. All sectors of our society must actively participate in patronizing renewable energy. It should not be the sole responsibility of the government or different investors and industries. All sectors have their own roles and responsibilities when it comes in renewable energy development.
5. All efforts for the development of renewable energy resources must be supported by all stakeholders with sufficient financial capabilities. These must be one of the top priorities in order to decrease our dependence on fossil fuel reserves.
Renewable energy conferences are in a way helpful in developing new energy resources that can be a long-term solution to energy problems that we are facing right now.
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